Bagley’s General Meeting September 17th, 2022 10am Teleconference
The Bagley General Meeting is being held through a virtual teleconferencing platform called Zoom at 10am.
This means you can attend the meeting from the comfort of your own home.
- Zoom is free to join and can be accessed from a computer or telephone
- Sign into the meeting using this link https://zoom.us/j/
92409400746 or call in by dialing +13126266799 US (Chicago) or +13017158592 US (Washington DC) and then use the Meeting ID: 924 0940 0746# - To submit a question use the chat button if signed in online, or if calling in, email to BagleyCommunityCouncil@
yahoo.com - Mute yourself if you are not speaking. If signed in online, click microphone image to put a line through it. If calling in, press 6 (raise hand, press 9)
You will be able to get your concerns answered about crime, speeding, project development within Bagley and more. Find out what is going on where you live. As usual our local, state and county officials will be present.