FOR RELEASE: June 26, 2021
Detroit Water & Sewerage Dept responds to severe flooding throughout the city following nearly seven inches of rain
DETROIT – Since Friday night, Detroit Water and Sewerage Department (DWSD) crews have been responding to severely flooded neighborhoods to clean sewer pipes and catch basins that were overwhelmed by seven inches of the rain within a few hours. Other city departments, including the Department of Public Works (DPW) and the General Services Department (GSD), are cleaning streets and removing debris. “Our heart goes out to the many residents who had their homes flood, which included some of our own city employees,” said DWSD Director Gary Brown. “The intensity of the storms last night exceeded the design standards for pump stations and combined sewer overflow facilities serving the Detroit region, which are operated by the Great Lakes Water Authority. With this much rain, there was nowhere for the water to go other than to flood streets and basements.” What Happened Friday Night Brown added, “This is another example of global warming and how our infrastructure needs to expand to meet these weather changes.” City of Detroit Responds The Great Lakes Water Authority (GLWA) reports that both the Connor Creek combined sewer overflow facility and pumping station, as well as the Freud pumping station, are all working within capacity currently and levels are down to normal. Once this rain event is concluded, GLWA will perform an investigation of system operations, as will DWSD. The City of Detroit and DWSD’s focus is on taking care of Detroit residents. With an extraordinary storm like this, there was a significant amount of elevated water in the system, which led to several hundred, at least, Detroit households experiencing water in their basements and sewage backups, especially in the flood plain areas. DWSD has been in areas of the city with heavy flooding since last night, and is working with the GLWA to ensure systems are operating at maximum capacity and managing as much flow as possible. DPW, GSD and other city departments are cleaning streets and removing debris today and are expected to continue working through the weekend. What Residents Can Do Residents can also visit the City of Detroit website at www.detroitmi.gov and click on the red bar at the top to report property damage due to flooding, or go to www.detroitmi.gov/waterdamageclaims. Residents must notify the utility within 45 days from the date they suffer damage, which is state law. Those living in nearby communities should call their designated city or township office to report flooding. DWSD offers the following safety tips for residents:
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