City to offer $50 prepaid cards to Good Neighbors driving Detroiters to get COVID-19 shots
The City of Detroit is enhancing its Good Neighbor program to include a $50 debit card for any pre-registered individual who drives a Detroiter to get a vaccination at select sites run by the Detroit Health Department. Starting today, any adult can call 313-230-0505 to register as a Good Neighbor and schedule Detroit residents for first dose appointments that begin May 3.
The goal of the program is to get more Detroiters, particularly those without access to personal transportation, vaccinated by offering the debit cards to reimburse Good Neighbors for their time and expenses, said Mayor Mike Duggan at a news briefing April 28.
7 Good Neighbor Rules
- Person getting the vaccine must be a Detroit resident.
- Good neighbors must register first at 313-230-0505 and then make the appointment. Individuals just can’t show up.
- Good neighbors must attend first shot in order to get paid for second shot. They must support the individual from the beginning of the process.
- Payments are only for appointments – no Good Neighbor payments for walk-ins.
- Only one Good Neighbor per car.
- Good Neighbors can bring up to 3 residents in one car and be paid for all 3.
- No limit on the number of residents a Good Neighbor can bring in total. After $600 in payments, the City will have to issue a W-9 for tax withholding.
Good Neighbor Program Appointment Locations
The Good Neighbor program is only eligible by appointment at:
TCF Drive-Thru, 89 Steve Yzerman Drive
Monday – Friday from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Northwest Activities Center, 18100 Meyers Road
Monday – Friday from 9 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Straight Gate International Church, 10100 Grand River Ave.
Monday – Friday from 9 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Community Saturdays from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Community Saturday locations may change from week to week. For current locations, go to: COVID-19 vaccines in your neighborhood.
To learn more about the Good Neighbor program, go to or call (313) 230-0505.
City announces new sites for Johnson & Johnson vaccine
Starting April 29, the Detroit Health Department will resume Johnson & Johnson vaccines at two locations:
Northwest Activities Center, 18100 Meyers
Monday – Friday from 9 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Straight Gate International Church, 10100 Grand River Ave.
Monday – Friday 9 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Residents can get the Johnson & Johnson vaccine (one shot) at these locations by walking in without an appointment or making an appointment at (313) 230-0505.
City to rename DPD facility after Benny Napoleon
The City of Detroit will rename a Detroit Police Department building on Oakman Boulevard after former Chief of Police and Wayne County Sheriff Benny Napoleon, who passed in December 2020 after a battle with COVID-19.
Mayor Mike Duggan, Police Chief James Craig, Council President Brenda Jones and members of Napoleon’s family today announced plans to name the DPD building at 1200 Oakman Boulevard the Benny N. Napoleon Intelligence and Training Center, in recognition of Napoleon’s legendary work with Detroit’s gang unit and his personal commitment to officer training.
The building, which the City of Detroit purchased last year from Focus:HOPE for $1 million, currently houses DPD’s Organized Crime and Gang Intelligence Units. A second building on the site will be renovated into a state-of-the-art training facility for officers to develop and sharpen their skills. Another portion of the building will be used to store DPD records.
A graduate of Cass Technical High School, Napoleon served the community at DPD from 1975 until 2001 when he retired as Police Chief. He served as Wayne County Sheriff from 2009 until his death.
City officials plan to hold an official ribbon-cutting ceremony later this year.
Motor City Makeover begins May 1 in District 1; Individuals and community groups urged to register today
Motor City Makeover is one of the largest cleanup initiatives in the country with more than 30,000 volunteers each year. The Department of Neighborhoods partners with block clubs and community organizations in each City Council district to clean and beautify areas across Detroit. This year’s effort begins on May 1 in District 1 and goes through June 12 in District 7.
