City prepares for major snowfall, public asked to remove parked cars from streets by 6 pm
With 6-10 inches of snow in the forecast, the Department of Public Works is making preparations to plow and salt major streets starting this evening (Feb. 15) and plow residential streets and clear bike lanes beginning Tuesday morning (Feb. 16) once snowfall ends.
The public is asked to remove all parked cars from city streets by 6 p.m. this evening to prepare for early morning neighborhood snow plowing.
The City, which maintains 673 miles of major streets and 1,884 miles of residential streets, utilizes a three-level system for snow removal during winter weather, depending on the amount of snow that falls. When six inches or more of snow falls, it triggers a City policy to plow all residential streets.
What Residents Can Expect
Beginning tonight (Feb. 15), DPW crews will plow and salt major thoroughfares.
Beginning tomorrow morning (Feb. 16), DPW will alert contractors to plow snow on residential streets. They will have 24 hours to complete the snow plowing and will be required to clear at least a 16-foot path on all residential streets (not curb to curb). Residents are encouraged to remove vehicles from the street, where possible.
City workers will inspect contractors’ work and will have them revisit areas they may have missed or that need more work. Residents may call (313) 224-3901 to report any areas that were missed, but only after the City announces that contractors have completed their work.
Bike lanes will be cleared after snow is removed from vehicle travel lanes; accumulated snow in bike lanes will be pushed to the closest intersection and hauled away.
Residents and businesses also are reminded that they are responsible for maintaining their sidewalks in a manner that makes it safe for pedestrians. Snow removal companies and property owners are prohibited from putting snow from private property onto public roadways.
February 16 COVID-19 vaccination appointments at
TCF Center rescheduled to February 20
As a result of major snowfall in the forecast and expected difficult driving conditions, 3,000 COVID vaccination appointments scheduled for Tuesday, Feb. 16 at the TCF Center are rescheduled for Saturday, Feb. 20. The scheduled time for the new date remains the same as the original date. The second dose appointment also will not change and will remain on March 16.
If any individual scheduled a $2 ride for Tuesday, the ride will now arrive on Saturday at the same time.
All individuals with appointments will be contacted by scheduling staff to confirm details for their new Saturday appointment. Individuals who have a conflict with the new date may call the scheduling staff at (313) 230-0505 to reschedule.
The full list of individuals eligible for COVID-19 vaccines at the TCF Center includes:
- Any Detroit resident age 65 or older
- K-12 teachers and support staff and day care workers
- U.S. Post Office employees who live or work in Detroit
- Employees of the City of Detroit or City-related agencies who are working from their regular job site (Employees working from home are not eligible at this time)
- State and federal law enforcement living or working in Detroit at a work site
- Clergy members interacting face-to-face with members of their congregation
- Funeral home/mortuary employees living or working in Detroit
- Healthcare workers with the potential for direct or indirect exposure to patients or infectious materials working in Detroit
- Food service workers, including grocery store, restaurant, meat packing and food and beverage handling employees, living or working in Detroit
- Security guards living or working in Detroit
- Janitors living or working in Detroit
- Detroit residents with documented intellectual or developmental disabilities
- Detroit residents who are home healthcare providers
Scheduling Appointments
Eligible residents can call (313) 230-0505 between 9 a.m. – 6 p.m., Monday – Friday to make an appointment. Vaccinations will be administered by appointment only.
